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Q: How do I obtain guidance for executing campaign/activity?

A. Contact your mCOn Rep or use the Click to Chat feature above.

Q: Does Cisco provide images I can use to develop my marketing collateral?

A. Yes .Please visit the marketing library on Partner Central.

Q: How do I represent Cisco on my website?

A. There are many ways to represent Cisco of your website. The most common tactics partners leverage are Web Banners, partner Logo, Content Syndication, or Web Collage.

Q: How do I add new solutions to my Shared Vue or WebCollage?

A. Web Collage and Shared Vue solutions are managed by Cisco and will be updated on a regular basis. If you have recently been authorized for new products that are do not appear in your syndicated contact Shared Vue or Web Collage directly.

Q: How do I co-brand with Cisco?

A. As a Cisco partner you may use your Cisco partner badge.

Q: Are there guidelines for using the Cisco logo?

A. Yes. please see logo terms of use for more information

Q: Where can I access a list of Cisco approved marketing vendors?

A. Visit the Full Service Activity Section of Partner Marketing Central for Cisco approved vendors.